Founded by 14-year NFL veteran and two-time Super Bowl Champion Tyrone Poole, the Tyrone Poole 38 Foundation is a 501c3 organization. The TP38 Foundation is committed to building strong individuals and communities through:
Fitness Programs
Humanitarian Efforts
Today, Tyrone uses his notoriety as an author, motivational speaker, fitness coach, inventor, sports analyst and entrepreneur to provide day-to-day strategic guidance and leadership to the Foundation and the world. His book "Ultimate Success In The game Of Life" is a best seller. The book is appreciated by all that have read it. The book teaches 12 DYNAMIC principles that have shaped his life and will do the same for you. His invention "T38 Multi-core Training System was developed from years of understanding fitness training.
Tyrone has developed a program called "Ultimate Success Life Skills Seminars." This program allows people of all ages to find their inner and outer strength for ultimate success in life.
For more information on our Founder or to purchase an autographed copy of his book, visit TyronePoole38.com.)